
初演 / 2008 年、 京都芸術劇場 春秋座舞台裏倉庫(京都)
上演時間 / 50min
構成・演出・出演 / 葵マコ、伊藤彩里、木村悠介、三鬼春奈
美術 / 宇田川依里
音響 / 出口展絵
照明プラン / 葵マコ
照明操作 / 桐澤千晶
舞台監督 / 三鬼春奈、木ノ下裕一
制作 / 伊藤彩里、松木萌、斎田千織
宣伝美術 / 児玉悟之
スチール / 相模友士郎
主催 / gallop、京都造形芸術大学 映像・舞台芸術学科
京都造形芸術大学 2007年度卒業制作作品 学長賞受賞
“The Fastest Running Form of Horses”
“In parallel with antipathy of language and considering various garments worn during the performance as temporary shells, they do not base their own identity on their bodies. Their bodies, language, and clothing are fragmented and floating fragilely until the end of darkness.”
Kentaro ICHIHARA (Art critic)
This is the first piece by “gallop,” and winning the president prize of the graduation works 2007 in Kyoto University of Art and Design. The performance starts with the performersʼ personal professions. During the various scenes of the performance, they are reconsidering their professions if those words are correct and trustful. Considering the possibility of telling the truth and being honest to the audience on the stage, the performers explore the ways of them.
Premiere: 2008, Kyoto
Running time: 50min
Direction and performance: Maco AOI, Ayari Ito, Yusuke KIMURA, Haruna MIKI
Scenography: Eri UDAGAWA
Sound: Nobue DEGUCHI
Lighting: Maco AOI
Lighting operation: Chiaki KIRISAWA
Stage Manager: Haruna MIKI, Yuichi KINOSHITA
Administration: Ayari ITO, Moe MATSUKI, Chiori SAITA
Promotional design: Satoshi KODAMA
Photo: Yuichiro SAGAMI
Presented by gallop and the department of visual and performing arts in Kyoto university of art and design
Winning the president prize of the graduation works 2007 in Kyoto University of Art and Design